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Friday, July 24, 2009

Question 4:

MedalTally For 1

1998 to 2008

1998 winter Olympic

black:[Germany]{ 12 Gold 9 silver 8 bronze}(


-red:[Austria]{3 gold 5 silver 9 bronze}(21.3%)

-green:[Russia]{9 Gold 6 silver

3 bronze }(22.5%)

-blue:[U.S.A]{6 gold 3 silver 4 bronze


-yellow:[Sweden]{0 gold

2 silver 1 bronze }(3.8%)

2002 winter Olympic

-blue: [Norway]{ 13 gold 5 silver 7 bronze}( 30.5%)

-red:[Germany]{12 gold 16 silver8 bronze}(43.9%)

-green:[Italy]{4 gold 4 silver 5 bronze}(15.9%)

-yellow:[China]{2 gold 2 silver 4 bronze}(9.8%)

2006 Winter Olympic


blue:[Germany]{ 11 gold 12 silver 6bronze}(38.2%)

-red:[U.S.A]{9 gold 9 silver 6 bronze}(31.6%)

-green:[Sweden]{7 gold 2 silver 5 bronze}(

-purple:[Finland]{0 gold 6 silver 3 bronze}(11.8%)

2008 Beijing Olympics

-blue:[China]{51 gold 21 silver 28 bronze} (53.7%)
-red:[Italy]{8 gold 1
0 gold 10 gold} (15%)
-green:[France]{7 gold
16 silver 17 silver} (21.5%)-orange:[Canada]{3 gold 9 silver 6 bronze}(9.6%)

This is the pie chart for Volleyball Olympic
1998.(Starting frm the highest wins)
Orange- Brazil (25%)
Blue- U.S.A (16.6%)
Green-netherlands (8.3%)Red-Canada (8.3%)
Pink-Yugslavia (
Light Pink- Cuba (8.3%)
Light Blue- China
Yellow-Italy (8.3
Light Green- Australia (8.3%)

Question4b)Continued for
the 5 different sports.




Xoxo Loves

Question 3:comic making with chinese
I dont knw how to you the comic system so imade the comic into movie..:D:Denjoy!

Okkays, thats the first version.Now this is the second version.Enjoy. Paisehh, ugly drawing..

Xoxo Loves

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Question 2 :Wellbeing and Health

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”

This is some parts of a nutrition guide for most atheletes.Although it is important to excercise,
it is equally important to eat right too..

We get energy from 4 components>carbohydrate,fat,pretein,alcohol.
Energy is thn used to fuel your muscles.

It is needed to function your brain,nervous system and heart.Carbohydrats in food is converted to glycogen and stored in your muscles.


It is needed for growth ,repair of cells and formation.

Training Diet.

Using the food pyramid

*It may be a little blur.

From the highest point to the bottom.

-Fats,oil,sweets is to be eaten in small amount

-Meat and alternatives to be eaten 2-4 portions a day

-Milk,yougurt and cheese to be eaten 2-4 portions a day

-Grains and potatoes to be eaten 4-6 time a day

-Vegetables and fruits to be eaten 2-4 portions a day

Before training.

Athletes have to eat before training is to stabilise their blood sugar levels during excercise.

But if they dont eat, they'll feel weaker and lethargic.

If they plan to work out for a long time, more amount of food is needed.If not, just go accordingly to their weight.But they dont eat that much or they'll feel uncomfortable.

They do not eat just before your workout because the food cannot be digested yet, yet eat about 2-4 hours before workout.

Sometimes, athletes eat a few sweets before workout to raise thir sugar level.

These are a few examples of a athletes' meal:

-macaroni cheese with salad

-Fish pie

-Noodles with stir-fried prawns

-Sandwich filled with chicken or fish

These are another few pre-workout snacks:

-about 2 slices of fruits

-300ml of smoothie

-about 2 yougurts pots

Athletes also drink before training to prevent dehydration during excercises.

During Training

It is good for athletes to sweat to remove the heat.So they usually would bring a big bottle to drink during excercising.

After Training

After training, athletes need to drink water to replaced the loss of fluids.

These are some refuelling energy snacks:

-couples of pieces of fruits with a glass of milk

-A milkshake/yougurt drink

-Handful of dried nuts

-A sports bad

-Bowl of porridge

These are some refuelling energy meals:

-Pasta with tomato sauce and salad

-Mash potato with grilled salmon and salad

-Bean and vegetable in hotpot

-Lasagne with salad


The althletes usually would visit the gym 3 times a day to workout,swimming and jogging.

This is one example of a exercise:

Side Plank Excercise to increase hip strength and stability

.Begin by laying on your side on the floor
.Position your elbow on the floor just under your shoulder.
.Lift up on that elbow and keep your body stiff from head to toe.
.Hold this position for a count of 10 and lower your hip to the floor.
.Rest and repeat three times.
.Switch sides and repeat the exercise on the other hip.
.You can increase the effect of this exercise by lifting the top leg up toward the ceiling. Repeat the leg lift 10 times slowly and return to the start position

They can spend around 3-4 hours in the gym at one time. Usually, every athlete will have a personal trainer to guide them and help them.
Xoxo Loves

Question 1: Olympisn&&Olympic Values

There are 5 values that i think is quite important for us.

Doing the impossible/Excellence:Trying your best in everything you do,giving your best shot.It does not matter if we win or not, the most important thing is thatwe participate and try our best.So we will have no regret.
Excellence is one really important value.Without excellence, how are you going to excel?..
There is this saying about 'reaching for the stars' and 'doing the impossible'.
~If you aim for the stars and you fall, you get the clouds.If you aim for the clouds ,you get the trees.If you aim for the trees, you get the ground.
That is how important it to do the impossible and excel. We Must aim high, so that even though we miss, we'll at least get something good.This also applys in Olympic Movements.
We must try our best to aim for the best, so that if we miss, we get the second best:)

The olympic movement encourages us to have mutual trust and understanding with each other,that we may have a bond.So that we may bring friendship and peace to everyone.
During the Olympic, we understand our opponent. We know what is their weakness and what is their strength. No matter if we lose or not, most importantly is that we try our best.
Even if we,re angry about losing to other countries, we still congualate them for doing well.
That is when we build a bond.
When we have a bond, we will unite and help each other in difficuties. Other countries may volunteer to help us with something while we also help them.

Respecting ourselves and respecting others.We should also respect our body as it is very important.Following the rules and regulations and being a good sport during the games.
We respect each other country. Usually, after the prize presentation, everyone in the stadium would unite and sing the winner's national anthem.This is also a way for the winner to respect their country and a way for us to show others our respect towards them.
Even in games when a country is losing, the player do not back out but continue to play.
That is call sportsmanship.
Even in our daily lifes, having sportsmanship is important. We cannot just give up whenever we want to, we should try until the very end.

OlympicsCulture and Education:
Trying to promote the culture of many countries.And educate others about Olympic different kind of sports involved.
During the games, people observe every single move that player does. For that, we can learn the rules about that game. We also can learn the culture of that particular country by their dressing, their language and their skills.
For example, by looking at the table tennis players from China, we can see that China is really good in Tabletennis.
Plus, we can observe their sportsmanship and their determination and teach children about them.

Sport for All:
To encourage us to be sporty and take part in the Olympic movement.And to bring honour to those who performed well during the games.
When we watch Olympic, we really admire them about how good they are in that sport.
We also get inspired by them to play that sport.
We also sometimes might think about how wonderful it'll be to bring honour to your own country, your face appearing on the newspaper.
Xoxo Loves



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Citius,Altius,Fortius Swifter,Higher,Stronger

YOG stands for
youth olympics games
Takes place on 14 to 26 August 2010
It is a time where teens between age 14-18 compete
to bring honour for their country

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glitter-graphics.com *Olympic Symbol
The Olympic symbol (five interlocked rings) represents the union of the five original major continents (Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe) and the meeting of the athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games. The five colors of the rings from left to right are blue, black and red across the top and yellow and green along the bottom.

*A man running with the torch.

When it is lited on cauldron,it symbolizes
that the olympic Games already started.
When it is extinguished, it is to signify
the end of the Games.